Our Services


We have available

  • ECG (Heart monitor)
  • Spirometry (Lung Function)
  • Doppler (Arterial Circulation and Fetal Doppler)
  • 24 Hour BP Monitor
  • Accucheck (Blood Glucose Monitor)
  • Coagcheck (INR Monitor)

Skin Checks

We undertake routine skin checks, using Liquid Nitrogen to freeze pre-cancerous areas, perform skin biopsies on suspicious lesions and excise (cut out) skin cancers. If more than a simple excision is required we can refer to dermatologists or plastic surgeons in the area

Mental Health Counselling

All doctors in this practice have undertaken further education in dealing with mental health issues. If necessary we can refer you to appropriate psychiatric or psychological services. If we prepare a Mental Health Care Plan you can obtain a significant rebate for psychological services. It is most important to book a LONG appointment for this

Implanon Insertion

We have doctors trained in Implanon insertion. Please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss Implanon – we can then arrange a suitable appointment time for the procedure


We have all routine childhood vaccinations available. Please let our receptionist know if you are coming in for vaccinations. We have adult vaccinations (such as Tetanus, Fluvax and Hepatitis) in stock. Most travel vaccinations are available from the adjacent pharmacy

Diabetes Clinic

Our nurses run a diabetes clinic to monitor all our diabetic patients. Patients are seen on a 3 to 6 monthy basis by the nurse and the doctor. Dietary and exercise advice, BP, weight and circulation checks, monitoring of blood glucose levels and adjustments to medications can be carried out.

Iron Infusions

We run an iron infusion clinic to treat iron deficiency. You will need to attend the doctor for a consultation, to have iron deficiency confirmed, and any underlying causes excluded. You will then be asked to return, on a separate occasion, to have an iron infusion. For more information, CLICK HERE

Podiatrist and Dietitian

Please contact the medical centre to make an appointment with our podiatrist. Medicare may cover some of the cost of these visits – our receptionist can advise you. Our dietitican is away on extended leave at present but we can refer you to local services if necessary

INR Testing

We use a modern point-of-care test to give immediate INR results to our patients on warfarin

Dressing Clinic

Our nurses run a dressing clinic for patients with wounds or ulcers

Travel Medicine Advice

We have access to the most up to date travel advice. Most travel vaccines are available in the surgery or from our adjacent pharmacy. Please book a LONG appointment and please bring your itinerary with you